- this is not a typical mmo, game has a solo mode although it works similarly to Diablo III so you have to be online, second mode called open play allows you to meet other players who chose this option. There is also a private group mode where you can play with your friends only;
- Elite Dangerous doesn't hold your hand. Before staring I suggest watching tutorials and completing all training missions, this should save you a lot of repair costs. Compared to most MMOs on the market learning curve here is rather steep so the game is not tailored to casuals;
- interface can seem a bit daunting at first glance, especially map interface. It took me some time to familiarize myself with all of game systems. Elite can be played with mouse and keyboard but it was designed with flightstick in mind so i strongly recommend buying one;
- graphics are decent but besides other ships and space stations there is not much to look at in this game. You will end up staring into empty space most of the time. Music on the other hand is where game really shines. Score is beautiful and sets you in perfect mood for traversing galaxy;
- like in every other sandbox there is no main story in Elite. Every mission and event is procedurally generated. Instead of being spoon-fed with the content which is the case in most MMOs, here you literally create your own story traveling through game world that is accurate representation of our galaxy;
- there are no classes and what you do will depend mostly on your playstyle. Couple of examples: you can become explorer and travel through Milky Way collecting data on various star system and and selling them on space stations. If you're good at fighting then the best way of making fortune will be killing pirates and other scum and collecting bounties. For those who prefer making money in more traditional way there is trading. Buy goods where they are cheap and sell them somewhere else for higher price. The list goes on and on.
That will be all for today. I hope this post gave you enough reasons to try out Elite: Dangerous. For a price of 50€ you get a solid and incredibly immersive MMO packed with ton of interesting mechanics. Oh, and as I mentioned at the beginning game happens to be very addicting. So it's time to jump back in. See you in space.
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